
The relationship between education and basic needs is clear. 你不能专注于你的 education if you can’t afford the basics, so for most of us, we need to make the most 我们有限的财政. Here are some easy tips and personalized resources for you to make sure you’ll have the money to meet your needs and be successful while you’re 在上海州立大学.


iGrad is a free, online financial literacy platform all Spartans can use to learn 更多关于明智的理财选择. 无论你是否对个人预算有经验, or new to managing your finances, iGrad meets you where you’re at and shows you where 从那里开始.




你的最终目标是你的学位. 你的经济援助中的每一项都是打包的 help you get everything you need to reach that (the Cost of Attendance). 我们都想要 to minimize debt, but for many of us loans are a necessary tool to help us connect with important opportunities, like  a car, a house, or a decent chance at earning a degree. In fact, 37% of Spartans used the 财政援助贷款 they were awarded 帮助他们的教育成为可能. 把你的经济援助放在桌子上, and you could be making getting a degree harder on yourself than it needs to be. Note that most university emergency financial assistance programs require you to have used all your 财政援助贷款 before considering you for crisis funding.

Here are some things to consider about the strategic value of loans that you can use 以你为受益人: