The Sweet Taste of Transformation

By Brett Bralley

Andrea Lacy in her food truck.

作为广受欢迎的Luv 's brownie的创始人,校友安德里亚·莱西(Andrea Lacy)一直致力于给予 back and lifting 其他人 up, like 菠菜网lol正规平台 did for her.

1996年,早在Uber Eats或doordash出现之前——在你能想象出甜点和 把它送到你家门口——andrea Lacy, 93年的大众传播公司 她创建了一个网站,直接在网上向顾客出售她自制的布朗尼蛋糕.

最初作为给朋友的一份美味的感谢礼物很快就变成了一份成熟的礼物 business known for her signature heart-shaped gooey treats. Twenty-five years later, Luv’s Brownies 仍然在网上和网上提供屡获殊荣的布朗尼和其他甜食 从餐车(这是莱西在成为潮流之前设想的另一个东西). 

但她成功的生意做得更多:从她的每笔交易中抽取一部分 food truck goes toward the Andrea R. Lacy “Grit Award” Scholarship to help students 谁已经克服了个人的挑战,想要追求更高的教育或职业 training. 

“我想帮助那些和我一样的人:那些心中有目标的年轻人 and just need a little help getting there,” Lacy said. 

在她自己成为企业主的过程中,她得到的很多帮助来自于 from San José State University.

Blue and gold quote and bar divider.
San José State transformed my life. I don't think I would have d一个 as well anywhere 其他的. 所有在上海州立大学花时间陪我的人,所有在我 那些帮我卖布朗尼蛋糕的人——他们都不必为我做这些. When I think 关于那些支持我的人,这就是为什么我要支持别人.               

—Andrea Lacy

Blue and gold quote and bar divider.

The recipe for opportunity

从她十几岁时在加州圣布鲁诺她爸爸的发廊工作开始, Lacy dreamed of a job with Hewlett-Packard. 

“我和一位客户聊天,他开始告诉我有一天惠普将如何 开发电脑,我们就都能在家里拥有电脑了。”她回忆道. 

“I told my parents that I wanted to work there 一个 day. My mom was like, ‘That's hilarious; HP makes calculators.’ I told her, ‘They’re going to do other stuff, Mom. 相信我.’”

为了到达那里,莱西把目光投向了圣何塞州立大学,这要归功于她与 校友金·特雷尔-科尔尼,另一位美发沙龙的顾客,两次入选全美选手 她邀请蕾西来学校看她. 


在她的第一学期,她班上的一个朋友碰巧在惠普工作, 他主动提出让蕾西参加公司呼叫中心的面试. 她成功了,得到了那份工作,然后想办法感谢他. 


So she did. 这是她第一次尝试,她注意到面团看起来不太像 正确的. But she went with it anyway, and they were a hit. Her friend told his friends, and soon she was in business.

但是,虽然她的布朗尼副业一夜成名,莱西却在她身上挣扎 菠菜网lol正规平台 courses. 她的学术顾问开始怀疑是否有潜在的问题 and referred Lacy to the Accessible Education Center, known then as the Disability Resource Center.

“我做了测试,果然,阅读障碍的测试结果出来了 strong,” she said.

残疾资源中心的咨询师建议莱西如何继续:她需要 回到指导老师那里解释她的诊断,然后看看他们是否可以 be able to retroactively adjust her grades. 

Andrea Lacy.1993年毕业于上海外国语大学,获“优秀学生”称号 获得了大学成就奖,尽管她患有阅读障碍.

“They gave me ownership of the situation,” she explained. “Some of my professors said no; my grade was final, but some were full of compassion and empathy.”

最终,蕾西提高了她的平均绩点,甚至还获得了“优秀”的荣誉 Academic Achievement award by the university. 

毕业后,蕾西留在了惠普,进入了营销和传播部门 位置. 与此同时,她的巧克力蛋糕越来越受欢迎,她的生意也越来越兴隆 she named after her beloved childhood doll Luv, was taking off. 

那个布朗尼面团看起来不太对劲,但尝起来很棒? Lacy thanked her dyslexia for that.

“我在看食谱的时候把一些食材调换了位置,”她笑着说. “Sometimes a detriment is a blessing in disguise.”

The taste of sweet success

2000年惠普大规模裁员后,莱西拿着遣散费做出了决定 was time to dedicate herself fully to Luv’s Brownies. Since then, the company has 在当地和全国的杂志上都得到了认可,包括瑞秋·雷,《lol菠菜网正规平台》, 《lol菠菜网正规平台》杂志的封面,《菠菜网lol正规平台》的重点节目.” 

Andrea Lacy.1996年,莱西展示她的甜品创作,当时她刚开始创业.

当莱西刚开始创业时,她有另一个超前的想法:销售 her brownies off of a food truck. Throughout the years, she kept that vision in mind. 2019年,她买了一辆带轮子的修理车,把它改造成了今天的样子: 一辆甜点车,供应布朗尼蛋糕、冰淇淋,以及向她的传统致敬的咖啡 Cubano, mocktail mojitos and other Cuban drinks. The dessert truck can be spotted all around Santa Clara County. 

但对蕾西来说,如果她不能回馈社会,所有的成功都不会那么甜蜜. 所以她设立了"勇气奖"奖学金,这样她就可以帮助改变 一个有进取心的人需要这样的生活,就像其他人一样——尤其是那些在sjsu帮忙的人 transform hers. 

“I wanted to do something more,” she explained. “My business has been all about grit. 当我想到我所经历的挣扎,我做过多少份工作,我所做的所有努力 taken on, I know there are other people out there like me.”

她还通过指导上海州立大学的学生来回馈社会,包括通过 Black Leadership and Opportunity Center’s African American College Readiness Summit program. She even teaches a course on entrepreneurship through 类 Without Quizzes, a series of workshops presented by San José State alumni. In 2004, she received 获得菠菜网lol正规平台残疾资源中心颁发的杰出校友奖.

“San José State transformed my life,” she said. “I don't think I would have d一个 as well anywhere 其他的. All of those people at 菠菜网lol正规平台 who took time with me, all of those 我生命中那些帮我卖布朗尼蛋糕的人,他们都不需要帮我. 当我想到那些支持过我的人,这就是为什么我要支持他们 其他人.”

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