
Leading-Edge 硅谷 创新

two people work on a robot with a human on a screenWe approach artificial intelligence and its applications from a myriad of perspectives and disciplinary frameworks. Situated in the heart of 硅谷, we are at the leading edge of innovation, including technology and applications, generative technology, security, ethics, education, and robotics prototyping. Below is a rotating selection of our standout investigators in this area.

   ○ 近期lol菠菜网正规平台及要闻
   ○ Research Strength: 机器学习
   ○ Research Strength: 道德的技术
   ○ Research Strength: Robotics and Drones


Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Data Science, Computational Biology, Software 工程, High-Performance Computing
ORCID: 0000-0001-9097-1123

Assistant Professor, School of Information

Information Retrieval, Applied AI, Conversational AI, Ethical AI, Social Media Analytics, 人机交互
ORCID: 0000-0003-1610-9038

jetchevaJorjeta Jetcheva
Assistant Professor of Computer 工程
人工智能, Natural Language Processing, Networking, Wireless 通信, 智能电网、网络安全
ORCID: 0000-0001-5185-8400

pendyalaVishnu S. Pendyala
Assistant Professor of Applied Data Science
社会正义 and Equity, AI/机器学习, Misinformation Containment, Music 为大众服务
ORCID: 0000-0001-6494-7832

Assistant Professor of Computer 工程
Computational Intelligence, Optimal Control Information Theory 机器学习
ORCID: 0000-0003-3677-6874

Potential collaborators and members of the media may contact us at officeofresearch@brewrecords.net.