December 2023拨款和合同

We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during December 2023:

22 Awards Received: Valued at $5,159,404.

Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.

Lucas College and Graduate School of Business

尼克松,希拉里·K. /赞迪亚塔什巴,阿胡拉, 商务,院长办公室
Efficiency Analysis of Parking Management Applications; Case Study of
Sponsor: 变换CA - $80,000.

凯伦·E·菲尔布里克. 尼克松,希拉里·K., 商务,院长办公室
Center for Multi-Modal Mobility in Urban, Rural, and Tribal Areas (CMMM)
Sponsor: University of Maryland – $250,000.

Connie L. 卢里教育学院

Mena, Dolores D. / lori M . Capizzi., 教育顾问
San Jose GEAR UP Community Achievement Project
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education – $1,524,800..

Charles W. 戴维森工程学院

Kazemifar, Farzan / Han, Crystal / Bashash, Saeid, 机械工程
Industrial Assessment Centers – Regional Centers of Excellence
Sponsor: San Francisco State University – $750,000.

Mak, Ronald, 计算机工程
Sponsor: 机密:18730美元.

Mak, Ronald, 计算机工程
Sponsor: 机密——7180美元.

Park, Younghee / Troia, Fabio Di, 计算机工程
REU Site: Undergraduate Research Experience for Underrepresented
Groups to Learn Emerging Topics in Cybersecurity
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $16,000.

王晓勇, 电气工程
Cryogenic Characterization and Modeling of MST Devices and Analog
Circuits Augmented with TCAD-enabled Machine Learning
Sponsor: Atomera - 100,195美元.


Queale, Abby, Division. of Research & Innovation
斯巴达SBDC (CIP) -第3年
Sponsor: 研究处 & 赞助项目 - Cal Poly Humboldt – $250,000. and $65,000.


嘉吉、雪莱、 科学,院长办公室
MESA College Prep Program AY 2023-2024
Sponsor: Regents of The University of California – $290,000.

Clark, Ross P, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Federally Listed Species Recovery and Dune Habitat Restoration and Monitoring, Naval Support Activity Monterey, Monterey, California
Sponsor: CSU,蒙特利湾- 83,000美元.

Heim, Wesley A. /马可·西加拉. /克拉克,罗斯P。 Moss Landing海洋实验室
SWRCB-SWAMP Agreement Number 20-006-270
Sponsor: California State Water Resources Control Board – $687,628.

Kochanski, Adam / Clements, Craig B., Meteorology & Climate
Measuring and Modeling Smoke Plumes and Emissions based on
Aggregated, Object-based Fuel Structures
Sponsor: U.S. 林务局:71,669美元.

Larabee,弗莱德里克, 生物科学
Modernization and Digitization of the J. 戈登·爱德华兹昆虫学
Sponsor: CA Institute for Biodiversity – $24,999.

理查德·斯塔尔. / Kahn, Amanda, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Long-Term Monitoring of Mid-Depth Rocky Reef Ecosystems in
California Marine Protected Areas
Sponsor: CSU,蒙特利湾- 59,500美元.

Tan, Qian, Meteorology & 气候科学
The NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and
Sponsor: 霍华德大学:3万美元.

桑顿,爱德华, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Coastal Land-Air-Sea Interaction- Thornton Portion
Sponsor: Office of Naval Research – $48,287.

Zhang, Yan / Issa, Tahir Bachar / Fryer, Dashiell, Mathematics & Statistics
Anti-Censorship Resistance in the Ethereum Blockchain
Sponsor: 以太坊基金会:5万美元.


Laraway, Sean P., Psychology
人类系统集成:Coll. Human Factors Research to Improve
安全、效率 & Reliability of NASA’s Aeronautics & 太空任务:第二阶段
Sponsor: NASA: 692,415美元.

苏珊·斯奈德斯基., Psychology
Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on Flight Control,
Autonomous Rotorcraft, and Human-Systems Interface Design: Phase 2
Sponsor: NASA – $40,000.

苏珊·斯奈德斯基., Psychology
Implementing Macroergonomics for Increasing the Safe, Effective, and
Efficient Operation of the Entry Systems and Technology Division's High Enthalpy Facilities 
Sponsor: NASA – $20,000.